
The Benefits of a Positive Mind

Well well well! Haven't been here in a while. i can truly say that my life has been extremely hectic these past few months.

The primary reason for this missive is just to take a moment of self-reflection. i could concentrate on all of the things that i "don't" have, but that's not where i want to put my energy. Energy goes where attention flows. i want to focus on the positive stuff that i have going on.

First of all, i still draw breath independent of machinery. For that i am grateful. A very close family member is in the hospital with just about all manner of physical ailments. i visit as often as i can primarily because we are family and i got mad love for this person and also because i find motivation to "eat an apple a day." i don't subscribe to Western medicine for a lot of reasons. The primary one being that there is nothing positive that the doctor will tell you about your health. i worked in the healthcare industry for 6 years and know all too well how the system works. The doctors try to soup you up on as much medication as they can to cushion their pockets with the perks and bonuses that the pharmacy bigwigs, insurance muckymucks and institutional higherup dish out. i have seen it first hand. Doctors and insurance companies are NOT in the business of taking care of your health. It is in direct juxtaposition to their real intentions. Now, i could rant on aplenty about the "healthcare"industry but i want to give light to the happier things of LIFE.

Secondly, i got MAADD love for my family. i am full on aware of my short-comings. i have never professed to be anywhere near perfection, yet i am PERFECT. My family reminds me of that daily. To have a circle of REAL people in your corner to back you up when you don't want to go any further is rejuvenating. Their smiles, laughter, hugs, kisses, words, winks and nods, thumbs ups, assistance and warmth is the reason i keep going. They are the reason i get up and out there to do whatever i can to make life better for us all. Them having my back is my Chicken Soup.

Next, to know that i know like i know what a positive self-outlook will do for your life. i have had many changes going on in the last 5 or so years and had i not been stalwart in MY thinking and not letting anyone deter me from what I wanted, who knows where i could have ended up. i am reminded of a few pieces of media that has crossed my path in the last few years. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne really hit home this notion of the Law of Attraction. i have used it on many occasion in big and small ways and have reaped untold benefits from it. From getting a fabulous family and lover to getting jobs to winning in card games, i use the Law of Attraction to bring about what it is that i desire just because i give it the correct energy. Some other books that have inspired me is The Science of Being Great by Wallace D. Wattles, Thinking for a Change by Thomas C. Maxwell and Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell. All of these books drove home for me the same message ... the power of the mind is the most powerful force in the universe. With the right mindset, anything - big or small - can be accomplished. Whatever i set my mind to and remain focused on will come to me in fairly short order. "What you think about and thank about, you bring about." - James Arthur Ray (excerpt from The Secret).

OK! i have put more positive energy out into the universe and stand ready and available to receive the fullness thereof. Not only do i feel fabulous when i live in a positive flow of thought, i look better. My smiles are brighter (and i smile ALOT!) i feel taller (just like today, i felt at least 5'7" instead of my measured 5'4"!), my posture is more upright and i don't get fatigued. i can say that i am an expert in the area of positive thinking. I've done numerous experiments and my conclusions pretty much come out as i have theorized ... The Benefits of a Positive Mind Are Far Reaching.

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